Review criteria
In reviewing a manuscript, please bear in mind the following criteria:
- importance of the subject;
- originality of the approach;
- soundness of the scholarship;
- degree of interest to our readership;
- clarity of structure and organization;
- strength of the argument;
- writing style.
In particular, we would like you to consider whether the following issues are suitably addressed in the paper under review:
- What might be gained from reading the paper? Is that made clear from the outset?
- Is the aim of the paper clearly stated and appropriately motivated?
- Has the work been set in the appropriate context, for instance, by providing sufficient background and relevant references?
- Is the overall approach suitable to the task at hand?
- Are the methods chosen appropriate for the collection and analysis of empirical material?
- Do the conclusions follow from material and analysis provided?
- What are the implications of the conclusions for the current state of knowledge within this particular field of inquiry?