Special edition Social Geography: Geographien des Verlusts, 2024
Theme issue coordinators: Antje Schlottmann and Matthew Hannah | Guest editors: Simon Runkel and Manuel Schramm
Special edition Social Geography: Geographien des Tötens und Sterbenlassens, 2024
Theme issue coordinators: Antje Schlottmann and Matthew Hannah | Guest editors: Jan Hutta and Lucas Pohl
Special edition Social Geography: Climate and marine justice – debates and critical perspectives, 2020
Theme issue coordinators: Antje Schlottmann and Matthew Hannah | Guest editors: Anna Lena Bercht, Jonas Hein, and Silja Klepp
Special edition Social Geography: "Geographies of the future" (Geographien der Zukunft), 2020
Theme issue coordinators: Antje Schlottmann | Guest editors: Christiane Stephan, Detlef Müller-Mahn, Simon Runkel
Special edition Social Geography: Die "postmigrantische Stadt" – urbanes Zusammenleben aus der Perspektive der Migration, 2019
Theme issue coordinators: A. Schlottmann, M. Hannah, and K. Wiest | Guest editors: M. Pilz, E. Kirndörfer, and K. Wiest
Special edition Social Geography: Expertisen und Raumpolitiken – Zur Bedeutung externer Beratung in der geographischen Wissensproduktion, 2017
Theme issue coordinators: A. Schlottmann, M. Hannah, A. Vogelpohl, and J. Wintzer | Guest editors: A. Vogelpohl and J. Wintzer
Special Edition Social Geography: Natur, Gesellschaft, Materialität: Herausforderungen der Politischen Ökologie, 2016
Theme issue coordinators: A. Schlottmann, M. Hannah, A. Otto, and S. Becker | Guest editors: A. Otto and S. Becker
Special edition Social Geography: Criminality and carcerality across boundaries, 2014
Theme issue coordinators: A. Schlottmann, M. Hannah, and J. Turner | Guest editor: J. Turner