Manuscript formats
Geographica Helvetica accepts four manuscript formats in German, French, Italian, and English:
- Standard articles (6000–8000 words, excluding references, double-anonymized review) represent original studies that offer interesting and new insights into any field of geography. Standard articles can have an empirical and/or theoretical emphasis. The abstract should not exceed 150 words. The abstract must be written in English and in the language of the article.
- Interventions (2500–4000 words, excluding references, submitted per suggestion to editors, peer reviewed) provide space for reflection, innovation, and experimentation. Pieces submitted to this section are encouraged to generate debate, test innovative ideas, revisit classic contributions, and create productive controversy.
- Geographica Helvetica publishes book reviews (Coordinating Editors: Karine Duplan, Inken Carstensen-Egwuoum; Editorial Support: Jan Zumoberhaus) across all fields in geography. The language of the review does not have to correspond to the language of the book in order to introduce newly published books and debates to a wider audience. In case you are interested in reviewing a specific book, please contact the book review editors. We offer three book review formats:
- Book Review Essays (1500 words): Detailed and critical engagement with one specific and newly published book that promises to be of significant interest to the discipline.
- Book Review Symposia (2500–3000 words): Detailed and critical engagement with several books, presenting a common thematic focus.
- Book Review Forum: Edited, multi-authored collection of detailed and critical engagements with one specific and newly published book.
- Geographica Helvetica publishes theme issues in all fields of geography and neighboring disciplines. In case you are interested in submitting a theme issue proposal, please consider the related guidelines before submitting your proposal. Contributions to the theme issues can be written in any of the four languages that are accepted in the journal (German, French, Italian, English). A theme issue will comprise between 7 and 10 standard articles and/or interventions. The final of these contributions can serve as a closing discussion. Additionally, the theme issue must include a theme issue overview written by the theme issue coordinators.
- Theme issue overviews (3000–6000 words, excluding references, single-anonymized review) introduce the theme issue and synthesize key ideas of the papers published in the theme issue.
- GH also publishes forums that provide a platform for diverse and creative contributions including translations, interviews, lecture forums, etc. Forums are developed by the editorial board that invites forum contributions.